Distribusi Vertikal Asplenium nidus L. di Kawasan Hutan Imbowiari, Kepulauan Yapen, Papua (Vertical Distribution of Asplenium nidus L. in the Imbowiari Forest, Yapen Islands, Papua)

Edoward Krisson Raunsay, Maik Akobiarek, Marthinus Yohanis Ruamba


Asplenium nidus L. has an important role as one of the bio-indicators of the cenderawasih bird nest and is massively found in the Imbowiari Forest, Yapen Islands Regency, Papua. Until now, there is no study on the investigation of their vertical distribution. This study aimed to identify the vertical distribution of A. nidus and the relationship with the height of the host trees. The population and samples of this study were all A. nidus existing in the Imbowiari Forest, and the samples were all A. nidus that is in the observation plot. This study employed a track path method consisting of 3 transects containing 15 observation plots. The results revealed 63 A. nidus in the area of Imbowiari Forest with the total number of host trees of 49. The A. nidus and host tree relationship was shown by the equation Y = 0,014X + 1.016 with R2 = 0,058. There was no correlation between the height of host trees and the vertical distribution of A. nidus. 

Keywords:  Asplenium nidus, Imbowiari Forest, vertical distribution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jsl38390-399


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