
Issue Title
Vol 12, No 1 (2024) Morphometric Analysis in Determining Body Score Index of Male Duroc Pigs Abstract  PDF
Yuliana Kolo, Alfred Nubatonis, Hendrikus Leonito Bria, Mekidius Boybana, Yohanes Rivandri Hakileu, Siprianus Bere Bria, Folgensius Seran
Vol 12, No 1 (2024) Feed Type and Level of Viterna on Body Weight, Percentage of Carcass, Non-Carcass and Abdominal Fat of Broiler Chickens Abstract  PDF
Enjelina Dappa, N. G. A Mulyantini, Jonas F Theedens, Frangky M. S Telupere
Vol 11, No 1 (2023) The Effectiveness of Azolla microphylla Flour Supplementation in Rations on Body Weight, Total Blood Plasma Protein and Total Microbial Contamination of Broiler Carcasses Abstract  PDF
Ratna Ermawati, Muhammad Mirandy Pratama Sirat, Madi Hartono, Farida Fathul, Fitria Tsani Farda
Vol 10, No 3 (2022) Body Weight Performance of Ongole Grade Cattle at BPTU-HPT Sembawa Banyuasin South Sumatra Abstract  PDF
Mochammad Hafizh Zulkarnaen, Heni Indrijani, Muhamad Fatah Wiyatna, Asep Anang
Vol 9, No 1 (2021) Relationship between Body Weight and Dry Matter Intake of Dry-off Cows with Birth Weight and Body Measurements of Calves Abstract  PDF
Desi Surya Permatasari, Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Rudy Hartanto
Vol 11, No 2 (2023) The Use of Azolla microphylla in The Ration on Feed Consumption, Body Weight Gain, and Feed Conversion Ratio in Male Magelang Ducks (Anas platyrhinchos) Abstract  PDF
Lilis Hartati, Syaiful Iqbal, Mohamad Haris Septian, Tri Puji Rahayu, Nur Hidayah
Vol 12, No 1 (2024) The Effect of Moringa Leaf Extract (Moringa oleifera) in Drinking Water on Broiler Chicken Carcass Production Abstract  PDF
Yunita Udju Riwu, N. G. A Mulyantini, Markus Sinlae, Ni Putu F Suryatni
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