Author Guidelines
Repong Damar: Journal of Forestry and Environment Service (RDJ) publishes an articles that relevant to forestry and environment sciences. When submitting an article to RDJ, authors shall certify that the article has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
Please follow the REPONG DAMAR's guidelines for manuscript preparation, and authors are encouraged to use the downloadable article template documents. Just replace the title and other contents of the downloaded template document with your own title and other contents. When pasting, please use a "paste special/unformatted" sequence so that your copying does not introduce unintended changes in the software's fonts, margins, or various auto-format settings. Within the text of the template, you will find further author instructions. The following is a summary:
File types: The article should be submitted in MS Word format and saved using Word 97-2003 format. Other word processing applications are not accepted.
Format: All submissions should be typed on A4 size pages with 3 cm margins for all sides. The width of the header footer is 1.25 cm. The manuscript is typed on A4 paper with Book Antiqua font, 1.15 spaces for the whole article, and one column for the entire article.
Article length: Article length must be a minimum of 13 pages .
Language: The article should be written in Bahasa Indonesia; however, the Title, Abstract, and Key Words should be written in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Title: The title should identify the main issue of the paper. It should be accurate, unambiguous, specific, and comprehensive. The length of the title is recommended not to exceed fifteen words.
Author's Name and Affiliations: Author(s) names should be written in the order of First, Middle, and Last names without title and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, Production Manager, etc. Affiliation of all authors should be written clearly, including the name of department/unit, faculty, name of the university, address, and country. The corresponding Author should be indicated behind the name and should provide an e-mail and/or phone number for correspondence.
Abstract: Abstracts are written in two languages, Indonesian and English. Abstract text is written in concisely, clearly, and complete, and there should be no literature references. The Abstract section must contain the substance problems to be raised, solution methods, the findings obtained, and the conclusion and not a copy-paste sentence from the script. The abstract is written in Corbel font, with font size 10 pt, and single space. The Abstract should not exceed 200 words. The Abstract for each language only may be written in one paragraph only with one format column. Keywords are written below the abstract in italic format (italics) and are the substance of the devotion done.
Introduction: The introduction section describes the facts that inspire and become the focus of implementing Community Service (PKM) activities. The introduction contains: situation analysis, partner problems, and benefits of the activities. At the end of the introduction, the objectives of the PKM activity should be written.
Materials and Methods: The method used in solving partner problems include analytical methods. The methods used in solving the problem are listed in this section. The method contains the place and time of the activity, the target audience, the method of the activity, the indicators of success, and the method of evaluation.
Results and Discussion: The Results and Discussion contains a unity between results and discussion of the activities carried out. Results should be presented clearly and concisely. The discussion should explore the significance of the work results, not repeat them. The contents of the results and discussion include statements, tables, diagrams, graphs, and pictures. This section contains the main sub-discussions that are written systematically.
Tables and Figures: Tables, images, graphs, and diagrams are numbered and titled. All figures and tables should be cited in the main text as Figure 1, Table 1, etc. Figures or tables should be placed close to where they are first mentioned in the text. Table titles should be written above the tables, while figure titles should be below the figures. All images must be original, clear, and form an integral part of the manuscript file (not pasted) and do not need to be framed. Tables should be written without a vertical line and horizontal lines in the table (open table). The table fill font size is reduced to 10 pt.
Conclusions: The conclusion describes the answer to the partner's problems from community service activities. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results and discussion but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the objectives. Authors are also encouraged to suggest future works and/or policy implications.
Acknowledgment: Recognize those who helped in the community services (PKM), especially funding supporters of your PKM activities.
References: All published works referred to in the text should be presented in a list of references and arranged alphabetically by the author without serial numbering. All of the cited references shall be from scientific journals and recent references (published within the last 5 years). The author is strongly recommended to use the reference standard application to automatically facilitate writing citations and references. The writing format used is in accordance with the IEEE citation format styles. Reference sources at least 3 sources from Repong Damar: Jurnal Pengabdian Kehutanan dan Lingkungan.