Factors Affecting Service Per Conception of Ongole Cross-breed Cattles in Tanjung Sari District

Kunaifi Wicaksana, Dani Nur Arifin


One of the parameters to see the reproductive performance of cattle is service per conception (S/C). The lack of information on important factors affecting S/C in Ongole Cross-breed (PO) cattles breeding underlies this research. The analysis in this research was linear regression using the MINITAB 16 application. The results of the research for service per conception (S/C) in Ongole Cross-breed (PO) cattles in Tanjung Sari sub-district were classified as ideal with a value of 1.29 ± 0.52. Each increase in the value of the BCS score will increase the S/C value. Each added age value at first married, it will increase the S/C value. Each added value of the parent's age will reduce the S/C value. The conclusion in this study is that S/C in PO cattles in Tanjung Sari District is 1.29 ± 0.52. Factors that affect the value of conception rate in PO cattles in Tanjung Sari district was the BCS score which was positively associated with S/C with a value of 0.553, age at first mated was negatively associated with S/C with a value of -0.434, and age parent was negatively associated with S/C with value of -0,114.


Breeding farm, Ongole Cross-breed Cattles, Service per Conception, Tanjung Sari district

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jipt.v9i1.p53-61


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