PENERAPAN SIX SIGMA DAN KAIZEN UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI KUALITAS ROTI DI UD. CJ BAKERY[Application of six sigma and kaizen to improve the bread quality In UD. CJ Bakery]

Nina Hairiyah


Sweet bread produced by UD. CJ Bakery has defects in the form of size, texture and color. In this study the process of improving the quality of sweet bread in UD. CJ Bakery was done by application of the six sigma and kaizen methods. The results showed that the cause of bread size defects was a less efficient cutting technique with a defect percentage of 28.97%. Color defects were caused by the length of the curing process and too high heating temperature with a defect percentage value of 20.51%, while texture defects were caused by a prolonged proofing process with a defect percentage value of 50.51%. Actions to reduce the value of product size, color and texture defects were by using good and correct cutting techniques, taking into account the time and temperature of the oven, and making a simple proofing cabinet. The sigma level before the improvement was 2.24 with a DPMO value of 259,333. After improvement, the sigma level value was 2.38 and the DPMO value was 115,600. These results showed that UD. CJ Bakery has improved its quality after implementing Six Sigma and Kaizen.



DPMO, keizen, nilai level six sigma, Produk cacat

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